About Me

I'm am a full stack web developer who enjoys contributing to the success of a team and putting my skills to the test. I come from a management and business background and love to utilize all past skills and experiences wherever I am at. I'm am always willing to learn new languages and frameworks.
My personal life is made up of hanging out with my two dogs, mountain biking some beautiful trails here in Utah and off-roading in my Jeep when I'm taking a break from coding.


  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Nodejs
  • Postgres
  • React
  • Redux
  • AWS S3
  • JWT


  • LightSpeedPricing

    GitHub Repo

    Custom Laser Pricing website that offers users the ability to quickly calculate job pricing based on data gathered about their laser machines. Offers to turn what's often a complicated process into something thats incredibly user friendly and efficient.

  • Pexotic Marketplace

    GitHub Repo

    Exotic Pet Marketplace for sellers and buyers to come together and find everything they need in one place. Sellers can add and delete listings. Users can add favorites and search lisitngs by different criteria.

  • Startup Lane

    website thumbnail

    GitHub Repo

    Dating app style startup idea generator. Mobile-first design with clean UI that allows users to like or reject candidate ideas. IsThisForThat and RandomUser API's used to help create the candidates. Liked candidates saved to local storage and can be sorted and/or filtered.